Photo of the Week #22.2

My photo this week served a double purpose since I also needed an updated profile picture.  Normally I’m far more comfortable behind the camera, but this time proved to be fairly painless. :)

Enjoy our latest works:

From Me:
by Jessica Rogers Photography

From Amanda:
by Amanda Rattigan

From RA:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
by Random Abstracts

From Danijela:
by Mädchen für alles – Danijela
From Fred:
Vitrine – France
by Fred Laurent

From Bill:
Dutch Iris
by Bill Swindaman

From Anika:
by Anika Toro

From Sue:
A Good Read
by Sue Templin

From Michelle:
Sewing Buddies
by Michelle Anderson

From Charlene:
by Charlene McCoy
Thanks again to everyone that participated this week!
If you’d like to take on the Photo of the Week Challenge, read the guidelines and send in your photo for next week.  The current deadline can be found at the top of my blog in the side bar.  Don’t forget to grab an updated badge for your blog or website to let all your friends know about it!
Have fun shooting!


  1. swindaman

    I like your new profile photo. Nice variety of images this week — I appreciate your doing this weekly feature. I put a post on my facebook page linking to your blog, where perhaps one of my huge following of 36 might see it :>)

  2. First Light Photography

    Your new layout is fab! I'm liking that you're getting into textures, too. Not to mention the new profile pik! You've been working hard!!
    Thanks for having me here!!

  3. Jessica

    Thanks so much Sue :) I'm really enjoying using textures a lot more than I anticipated, now that I've got a few new Photoshop techniques under my belt! Hopefully I can continue to improve my skills as I learn the program more fully.

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